No More Snap Judgments

How many times have you been reprimanded by a manager who didn’t take the time to view the situation better and ruined your work environment and attitude? Taking a second or two to really understand the dynamics of a situation before adding your two cents can create a much better working environment for everyone involved.


Don’t forget to SMILE

Too many managers are not beginning their communications with their teams with a smile. This is adding to a depressing company culture and making managers an easy target for gossip.


Two-way Communication

Have you ever noticed that your team isn’t doing things the way you want them to? The problem may be your communication style. Two-way communication is going to help you with this.

Unicorn Envy

Do you know what happens when you do your job really well? Other people start assassinating your character to try to make you look less intelligent or competent than them. I call this Unicorn Envy. If you follow along with these lessons and apply them to your job, you will probably run into this. Here are some tips about what to do about it, which really depends on who is trying to sabotage you.