Over the years I have experimented with services and created companies that utilized my skills and unique perspectives in several different industries. I enjoy being creative and developing other business related skills such as speaking in public, web design, marketing, etc.
1988 – 1997 F.A.C.E. Productions- Composer, audio engineer. Created Audio soundtracks for artistic videos, diving videos, and other creative projects. Wrote, performed, mixed and produced audio for many different people. Cameraman and managed audio for Systems 3000 Video Views. Trained as underwater cameraman.
1992 – 1996 Dr MIDI- Consultant. Taught computer music seminars at high volume music and computer retail outlets such as: Guitar Showcase; Guitar Center; Egghead Software, Sears; Fry’s Electronics and others. Wrote computer and keyboard articles for Showcase Times. Instructed clients to better use their equipments in their homes and offices.
Alpha Delta Delta- I created a line of clothing to help people with ADD overcome the negative social stereotypes associated with the behaviors related to ADD. (Hyper-Activewear) These shirts continue to help Alpha Delta Deltas take pride in being different.
Origami-Mail- I created a line of Origami flowers with personalized messages written inside them. They combine the sentiments of cards and the beauty of flowers, in a more personalized, meaningful way.